Infrastructure and Utility

Water Supply Diagram

Reliable Utility Supply

At 304 Industrial Park, we support our partners with high quality infrastructure for both large to small scale manufacturing, including over on-site 893 MW power plants, an own man-made reservoir with a planned water management system to eliminate the possibility of flooding, a waste water treatment system, advanced communications technology as well as, a logistics and supply chain management of our dedicated subsidiary companies.

Water Supply Diagram

Unlimited Water Supply & Water Management Systems

Our own man-made reservoir has a capacity of 40 million cubic meters whilst our tap water facility can produce up to 320,000 cubic meters per day.

Water Supply Diagram

Unlimited Use of Electricity

On-site power plants, offers a maximum power capacity of 893 megawatts to supply throughout the site; supplementary emergency power reserves from the Provincial Electricity Authority have also been arranged.

  • 893MW On-Site plants
  • 24 Hours Backup System
  • Currently have around 50% excess capacity to national grid