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“304 Smart Town Joins the Mind to Save the Environment”

304 Industrial Park Smart Town Joins the Mind to Save the Environment

Since all sectors are now paying more attention to the environment, the industry itself is concerned and aware of the importance of helping and promoting environmental conservation with various forms of activities to sustainably preserve natural resources and the environment 304 Industrial Park has organized the project " 304 Industrial Park Smart Town Joins the Mind to Save the Environment" at the Naruebodindrachinda Water Supply and Maintenance Project. (Huai Somong due to the royal initiative) and activities to strengthen relationships (rafting) at Kaeng Hin Phoeng, Na Di District, which is a tourist activity of Prachinburi Province on September 2 6 , 2 019 , as well as inviting environmental officials, the safety officers of the factory group within the 304 industrial park area, along with the villagers surrounding the 304 industrial park area, participated in the said activity to conserve aquatic species and is a connection between them and allow people in the area surrounding 304 Industrial Park to participate in the activities of this project as well.